

2022 South Coast Swimming Hoodies will be aqua in colour, with black inside the hood.

They are $60. These hoodies are available for students who were successful at our District swimming carnival and qualified to go to the Regional swimming carnival in Dapto.

The online shop for hoodie sales will be open on Friday 25th February at 7pm until Wednesday 2 march 9:30am.

The shop can be accessed under the Merchandise tab on the South Coast PSSA website

Sales will be by PICK UP ONLY AT THE CARNIVAL – PROOF OF PURCHASE/ORDER NUMBER will be required. Please ensure you add the student’s name, school, district and event/s in the notes section in your cart.


Sapphire Coast swim caps

These will be for sale at Dapto pool from the team managers (Emma Bolton and Mardi Porter) for $15 (cash only). If a student is wearing a cap, it must be the Sapphire Coast cap, otherwise no cap.